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bank industri bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "bank industri"
  • Industrial Bank of Korea - Amazon, Recruitment of SMEs to participate in the strategy seminar on overseas expansion
    Bank Industri Korea - Amazon, Perekrutan UKM untuk berpartisipasi dalam seminar strategi ekspansi luar negeri
  • If there are objections to bank transactions, you may request resolutions to the dispute handling organization of the IBK Industrial Bank or apply for conflict arbitrations through the Financial Dispute Resolution Board.
    Jika ada keberatan dengan transaksi bank, Anda dapat meminta resolusi kepada organisasi penanganan perselisihan Bank Industri IBK atau mengajukan permohonan arbitrase konflik melalui Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Keuangan.
  • It has been with more than 150 foreign companies, and the public, Decathlon sporting goods, DreamWorks, Gucci, Anheuser-Busch InBev, the Greek Consulate General, British Consulate General in Shanghai, Auchan Group, the Industrial Bank, Sanofi, and so long-term Chinese training cooperation.
    Sudah dengan lebih dari 150 perusahaan asing, dan masyarakat, barang olahraga Decathlon, DreamWorks, Gucci, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Yunani Konsulat Jenderal, Konsulat Jenderal Inggris di Shanghai, Auchan Group, Bank Industri, Sanofi, dan begitu lama -istilah kerjasama pelatihan Cina.